

{ monday blahs }

So, it's Monday again already, and it's another overcast and dreary day here.

I was happy for the break from the sunshine over the weekend, 

because it forced me to slow down sit back and relax.

I watched a little television {which I rarely do},

and I picked up my long neglected knitting needles.

Today though, I just feel blah.

I want my sunshine back.

Sunshine makes me smile,

makes me happy.

Overcast and dreary not so much.

It doesn't help that I have a list of cleaning a mile long,

and loads of laundry two miles high on my horizon.

Wah, wah, what a baby I am.

Wish I had something beautiful and fun to share,

but this is where the honesty part of my header comes in.


What do you do to fight the blahs?

Hoping it's sunny wherever you are,

and you are having a wonderful Monday.


  1. Well when I am blah, I usually rearrange a room or get my pile of magazines and just go through each and every page.

    I hope sunshine comes your way tomorrow in the sky and your heart.


  2. I make jam. I buy a pail of cherries or a few pints of raspberries then have a cup of tea and look at a magazine while I listen to the snapping of the lids as they cool. My favourite thing to do.

    Your new blog look is lovely. You did a great job on that header.


  3. When I have the blahs, I turn to familiar old decorating books/magazines for comfort, along with a nice cup of Tazo Passion tea. The tea has so much zip and such rich color, it helps me to step out of the doll-drums for just a bit. A nice deep bath also helps. So does a small project, one that is easily accomplished (like changing the coffee table centerpiece or cutting some flowers from the garden).

    The sun will shine again, dear Carrie. It always does. Hang in there, girl.


I love seeing your lovely faces & reading your sweet comments. Thanks for taking the time to visit me : ) * I do my best to respond by e-mail, if I miss you please forgive me. peace & love * Carrie