
{ grounded }

Sometimes....I feel a little bit alone...

 like I'm floating around in this world with no real purpose.

When I start to feel this way it always helps me to go outside,

because sometimes... I just need to get grounded.

I need to watch the tall grasses blow in the wind.

I need to see the beauty in what some see as weeds.

I need to see the death of one thing give life to another.

I need to see that sometimes it's good to be alone.

I need to see that all living things have complex layers.

I need to see that we all change in our own time.

I need to see that I am really never alone.

GOD is always around.

I just have to slow down 

and let HIM ground me.

:: blessings ::


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  1. Lovely pictures and wonderful uplifting words. Thanks for sharing

  2. Hi Carrie,
    This is exactly how I have been feeling lately, like I have no real purpose in life. Your words and photos were truly beautiful and inspiring, thank you, I needed that!
    Have a great night.

  3. So true! I guess we are in the same boat. It's the little things that matter. Ty. Hugs, Liz

  4. Carrie~Great Post! I often feel like this too and I then ask God to use me where he needs me and you would be surprised where he will take you.~Blessings Kim

  5. Beautiful thoughts, beautiful images Carrie :))


  6. Hi Carrie,
    This is exactly how I have been feeling lately too!
    I guess we all are inside the same old boat.By the way you are a superb photographer!

  7. Carrie,
    Your sweet spirit and beautiful images speak volumes. I found myself nodding in agreement, and I can relate so well to your photography because I tend to focus on subjects like that, too. I love nothing better than taking my Canon out in nature and discovering some of the amazing details God wove into our world.

    I landed on your blog by accident, but what a blessing it is to have found it. Thank you.


I love seeing your lovely faces & reading your sweet comments. Thanks for taking the time to visit me : ) * I do my best to respond by e-mail, if I miss you please forgive me. peace & love * Carrie

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