

:: happy thanksgiving

It's around the corner literally, and today I've been cleaning and getting my home ready for tomorrows festivities. I wanted to share some super simple decorating ideas with you that you can run outside and whip up in no time simply using natures bounty.  I love the simple beauty of this pinecone garland by Twig & Thistle

Or this door display by Country Living.  I wish I had seen this one sooner, as they would look so lovely on each of my french doors. This could just as easily be made for a Christmas decoration by changing out the ribbons, and maybe adding a little glitter to the pinecones {hmmmm, I think I'll add this idea to my project list}.  

How about the simple beauty of a wooden bowl and some fallen leaves to add a little bit of fall pop to your Thanksgiving decor.  It can't get much easier than this idea.

Nothing says fall and Thanksgiving to me like these lovely little pumpkins & gourds. I've seen this done with apples many times, but never really thought of using the little pumpkins & gourds, aren't they lovely.  Simply cut around a tea light and scoop out a little niche for your candle and you have the most lovely simple fall decoration

There you have it, some super easy Thanksgiving Holiday decorations that won't break the bank, or take a lot of time....Thanksgiving is tomorrow after all. I really can't believe it's here already.  Well, I better get back at it....I've got a house full of family coming tomorrow.

Hope you enjoy your time with family and friends tomorrow, eat lots of yummy goodness, and somewhere in there find some time to relax and enjoy.

:: peace :: love :: hugs ::

P.S.  I'm so very thankful to for all of you who visit me here and comment on this silly little blog.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you Carrie! I hope your day is full of blessings!

    Lovin your daughter's apartment, I keep coming back to look at it.


  2. So pretty Carrie...
    I love those tea-lite decorations..lovely!
    Happy Thanksgiving!!!

    Deborah xo

  3. Thanks for the tips,Carrie. We have a LOT of pinecones I can use.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you. I'm thankful for you.

  4. Carrie, that pinecone garland is lovely! I have a ton of extra pine cones, I should make one!
    Have a fabulous Thanksgiving holiday with your family!

  5. I have loads of pinecones (I usually fill up a few vases for some decoration) but I will make a garland now, its so pretty! Thank you and happy holidays!

  6. Boy, we really do think alike. That same picture of the pine cones with ribbon is in MY to do list for Christmas decorations. It will hang somewhere...

  7. I love what you've made with the pinecones.
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  8. nice ideas, i hope you have a great thanksgiving!

    I can see it is in the us a great thing!
    i only know it from movies, but in real live it is just at big i think?because you said, that you are really busy and you will have got a house full of familiy.

    good luck with cooking and everything.

  9. Yes, I am eagerly awaiting pinecones from my Mom in Fla. The pic w/ the ribbons flowing is beautiful. I think for Xmas decor? I do like the mantle, but I don't have one. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Friend. Thanks for stopping by. Hugs, Liz

  10. I adore these simple yet elegant ideas you have shared. I think I will give the pine cone swag a try.
    Gwenny's Place


I love seeing your lovely faces & reading your sweet comments. Thanks for taking the time to visit me : ) * I do my best to respond by e-mail, if I miss you please forgive me. peace & love * Carrie