

:: White Christmas

We all dream of a White Christmas, and for us it finally happened in 2010. They say it hasn't happened in North Carolina in 40 years. So the last time it snowed on Christmas Day was the year my hubs was born, and well me, I've never seen one. Although I do remember it snowing once Christmas Eve on the way to my Great Grandma's house. Anyway....isn't it beautiful. I shot this photo on the way to the in-laws on Christmas Day.  I love this old school house turned home...I really need to go by one day and take actual photos when I'm not driving by in a car.

I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas, I know my family did. My parents and my sister and her husband came to stay with us on Christmas Eve, and we had a little Christmas Eve Fun-Due party. We had lots of fun eating, laughing and watching some movies together.

My sweet little Wrens on Christmas Eve in their new Christmas pajamas. It's our little tradition that every year on Christmas Eve they get a special pair of Christmas pj's. My favorites are Nick & Nora's, I love these sock monkey and snowflake one's. I fear we may be getting a little old for matching pj's, but until they don't expect it anymore, I'll keep buying them. Thanks Nick & Nora for always coming out with the cutest vintage inspired Christmas pj's.

I have so much more to share, but for now I'm going to go back to hanging out with my awesome family. My sister is still here thanks to the snow, and I'm going to go enjoy every minute of our time together. I'm so thankful for my family.

Come back tomorrow, I have lots more to share with you.

:: peace, love & hugs ::


  1. Yay for the white Christmas!! Your first...oh my goodness, that is soo special! I'm glad your Christmas was white and beautiful.


  2. what fun! my sister & her husband happen to be in NC for the holiday and she was texting me pics of the snow. so pretty! xo


I love seeing your lovely faces & reading your sweet comments. Thanks for taking the time to visit me : ) * I do my best to respond by e-mail, if I miss you please forgive me. peace & love * Carrie