

:: just because

Just because I love green apples. Sorry, I don't have anything super exciting to post about, unless grocery shopping and cleaning out my pantry is considered exciting. Well, maybe to some...especially when it ends up looking like this. Ahhh, I love me some organization.

Organizing the pantry is an ongoing process for me. I organize & get everything looking somewhat pretty, and then my family shoves everything in front of what I've organized in whatever empty spot they can, and the whole process begins again. Ahh...The life of a pantry. Now by no means is this my dream pantry, but hey, I try to make do with what I have.

I guess I'm like a lot of you out there, I'm having some strong nesting urges happening this time of year. After the holidays it seems that everything needs some refreshing & de-cluttering. That said, you can probably expect more of these types of posts from me in the next couple of weeks months...heck I'll probably be doing this until time for spring cleaning. Let's face it the cycle never ends....Oh if only I could live in a photograph.

I have plans for many new projects this year {bringing them to fruition will be the challenge}. Since tackling Miss P's room, I feel I can take on much more around my house {at least upstairs where the ceiling heights are manageable} and believe me many spaces need updating after 7 years. For now though, I'm going to link up to The Lettered Cottage with Miss P's apartment reveal. This was by far my favorite project of 2010. I really feel like I pulled off a pretty cute look, and on a decent budget too.

You can read more about the big reveal here. Then you can go here for the before photos, I think it's a pretty significant improvement from where we started. I cringe at those before photos and feel like I need to defend myself and the pink {eek}.

:: peace, love & hugs ::

The Lettered Cottage


  1. It looks super, Carrie! GREAT job on your daughter's room, and your organizational skills are enviable.


    Sheila :-)

  2. I love green apples, too, Carrie!! I have "faux" ones in a wooden crate and in some wall candelabras and I love them! I want to incorporate some green in my home this spring. Typically I've done a sea blue but I'm loving green these days....
    Happy organizing! I just took down my Xmas decor and tree and felt the major urge to clean out, organize, etc.

  3. Beautiful!!!
    Kisses, Zondra Art

  4. Is that your pantry? WOW! I want mine to look like that! You've given me lots of inspiration. I agree...I'm in de-clutter/organization mode for sure right now.

  5. I agree Carrie, I am nesting like crazy over here. It feels so good to organize and I understand about the pantry. I get mine so organized and in a week, things are out of place already....argh!!

    I think you know how much I ADORE Miss P's room, it's magazine worthy for sure.


  6. I love to organize my pantry but my friends think I am crazy. So nice to know I'm not alone! Your pictures of your daughters room are beautiful. Love tiff

  7. Carrie the room makeover turned out so great!! I love it! I miss you and will email you in the next couple. :)

  8. Every image is truly beautiful!

  9. Can you tell me where you got the containers and baskets? Looks great!!


I love seeing your lovely faces & reading your sweet comments. Thanks for taking the time to visit me : ) * I do my best to respond by e-mail, if I miss you please forgive me. peace & love * Carrie