

:: ocean treasures

This is a quick post for today, 
as I'm off to have a fun procedure called a root canal.
Do the words "root canal" scare anyone else as much as they scare me?

Anyhoo, I was luxuriating in the tub this morning...
figuring I deserved at least one good thing to happen to me today.

As I looked around I started thinking about sea shells, 
and how I could incorporate them into my bathroom decor. 
I have plenty of them, they are just being used in another part of my home.
So, I'm hoping that sometime soon I'll be able to play around a bit 
and spruce up my bath with a few of these lovelies.

Nature = Free Decor

Gotta love it.

:: peace, love & hugs ::


  1. The sea shell idea for your bathroom sounds great! So sorry that we both had our oh so lovely dental procedures this week. There is nothing good to say about it, except I hope you recover quickly!!
    Tomorrow will be so much better!

  2. Beautiful treasures, I lake it!!!

  3. Oh I hope the 'root canal' wasn't as bad as you thought and your not feeling to unwell, Nic xx

  4. Hi Vintage Wren! Just finding your blog through Pure Style Home and can't wait to dig in!

  5. Hi Carrie~ Sorry to hear you have to have a root canal. Not fun. I love using shells in my bathrooms. I layer a whole bunch of them in clear glass hurricanes or basic clear vases. My favorite shell is the scallop. If you have some of those do use them! Good luck! :)

  6. hope your mouth heals soon... i come from a family of dentists so i know how you must feel... rest well..

    love the shells... they always make me smile... xx pam


I love seeing your lovely faces & reading your sweet comments. Thanks for taking the time to visit me : ) * I do my best to respond by e-mail, if I miss you please forgive me. peace & love * Carrie