

:: Oh Clementine

Oh Clementine I love you so....

I give you a home in a basket with my favorite tea kettle, and in return you put a smile on my face each morning.Your exciting and bright color, and of course your sweet juiciness all bring a brightness and joy to my day.

I won't take you for granted or waste any part of you, for when I've peeled away your skin to reveal your fleshy goodness I put you here in a little pedestal bowl.

When I introduce you to cinnamon & cloves and give you all a simmering bath, you return the favor by filling my whole home with a scent of.......well.....


I know, you must think I'm the biggest goof ball if you're reading this...but when I was a little girl my mother would always save our orange peels and simmer them on the stove with cinnamon & this scent always reminds me of home. My grandparents would also keep a basket of clementines in their living room around this time of year and I would always enjoy them when I would visit. So for me there are many reasons to love a clementine. Thanks for indulging my silly Ode to Clementines.

Happy Friday my sweet friends.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

We have snow in our fingers are crossed that it will.

There's nothing more beautiful to me than snowfall.

Hugs xoxo Carrie


  1. Aaaaahhh...Home. What sweet memories with those sweet smells. Whenever I smell honeysuckle I think of my precious grandma's yard. Summer nights were so sweet there. Lots of laughter and lots of love.

    Also, speaking of snow, we are getting lots and lots of lake effect snow right now. There is a winter storm warning out. It makes me so thankful for safe and warm home of my own.
    Have a wonderful Friday!

  2. Carrie, love it!! Clementine's are in abundance at our house all the time when in season...we love them!! I don't think it's silly, I so agree with you! ;)

    Hugs and love,

  3. We might get some snow, too! I doubt it though, it takes the perfect combination of elements to snow here! ;-)
    Your ode to Clementines is cute! I love Satsumas, and Clementines, too. I am not a fan of oranges, though. I love orange juice, but not eating an actual orange. I love the idea of simmering the peels on the stove though....a living Scentsy! ;-)

  4. I love the way oranges, satsumas, and tangerines smell. And in the winter, orange blossoms have the most amazing scent of all.

    Carrie, I talked to my niece, and the baby's head was 16 inches on the 23rd of December. So I think we probably need to go up a size. Please let me know the total with shipping, and I'll get a check in the mail to you.

    Thanks SO much. Love you...


    Sheila :-)

  5. We have a wood burning stove in our family room and often when we have a fire going I have a tea kettle of water w/ orange peels, cloves and cinnamon sticks. sitting on top of the stove, I love the aroma it gives.

  6. There is nothing wrong with your Ode. I love them too. Who doesn't?
    xx Liz


I love seeing your lovely faces & reading your sweet comments. Thanks for taking the time to visit me : ) * I do my best to respond by e-mail, if I miss you please forgive me. peace & love * Carrie