

:: a problem

I've come to realize that I have a slight problem....I love and craft stuff to be exact. I admit it...I'm a supply addict. I have more craft and art supplies than one person could possibly need. Honestly I couldn't make enough stuff in 10 years to use up all of the supplies I have....

a problem.

I love to see things collected all together like these lovely embroidery floss & bobbins...aren't they so pretty...

a problem.

Look at all of this yummy color coordinated fabric. I don't even sew....but I had big plans for every piece....

a problem.

Knitting needles galore, every size, color and material...though I knit more than anything, I haven't even used half of these needles. They sure are pretty displayed together....

a problem.



a problem.


Buttons & baubles...

a problem.

Brushes & scissors...

a problem.

More colored pencils,  and this is just the tip of...

a problem.

It's especially a problem when it comes time to organize the old studio space. Eek, I think this stuff breeds when I leave the room. So, as you can see this is what I'm doing trying to do this afternoon....organize my over abundance of art & craft supplies. I guess it's a pretty good problem for a crafty person to have...unless of course you are like me, and have a problem finishing the projects you dream up....leaving you with nothing but more supplies.

One of my new years resolutions was to make something every day, and as of right now I'm failing miserably. 

So please send some crafty mojo this girls way so I can use up some of my ever multiplying art & craft supplies.

:: peace, love & hugs ::


  1. A problem shared and LOVED by so many of us. Wouldn't have it any other way!

  2. Can't help you...I have the same problem!!

  3. lol this is so cute!
    Thats alot of supplies!
    Wish I could help but I'm working on de-cluttering.. :)
    sheesh, its never ending!

    Deborah xo

  4. I'm doing the exact same thing today! I have so many things and right now I can't find anything I want. Altho, if there's something you're looking for I'd happily trade you for some of those *extra* baubles! lol

  5. I have stuff too. Its all put away for now but do I have stuff then I picked up a camera and I havent looked back.. that was six years ago and I will carry on until I cant. . I loved your blog and you made me smile. I want to get my stuff out and photograph it all too. xo

  6. Look at it this way, Carrie... those extras are so pretty they serve as inspiration! Yes, inspiration. That's a magpie way of looking at the world. LOL!


    Sheila :-)

  7. I can easily see myself getting to an overload of items too! It is quite fun to be stocked full of supplies to have on hand, but it feels great to organize! Good luck!!

  8. I have the same problem.
    Nice blog!!!

  9. It's ok. I have more than a slight obsession with craft supplies also. Cute blog!

  10. Hey Girl! Look at it this way, you have a multitude of supplies to pull from whenever a creative urge hits. I'm the same way, but whenever I think I need to purchase a tool or a craft supply I think, "Wait a minute, don't I have one of those somewhere?" and then I usually find it. It comes from years of collecting the stuff. I always joke that I've got the stuff of a Grandma. :) Amy

  11. I have the same problem and I hope there is no hope for me;) I would love to get into my studio today too but we just got about 18 inches of snow! So I am rearranging the house instead:) I just became your newest follower and will be back to say hello.
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  12. Looks like we both have a problem friend.
    So, how do we resolve the problem???????
    I know, Humm? I really don't know.
    Is there such a thing as CHA? Crafter, Hoarder's Anonymous? Ha, Ha
    xx Liz

  13. If YOU have a problem, then I have a problem too. I just posted about my organizing problem, and linked up to this post of yours so everyone else I know can see how cute and amazing you are! Keep it comin' girl!

  14. Oh I hear you - I have that exact same problem!!! Pity we can't work at craft shops and get our daily fix there!

  15. At least it is an organzied and colorful problem!

  16. Yes, but such a beautiful problem.
    I have a problem with paper. I actually had to make a promise not to purchase one more piece till I actually used 1/4 of it. It worked.

  17. Would love to help you get organized! Drop me a line.


  18. Hello, I've enjoyed dropping in on your lovely blog. Really gorgeous photos and the problem is a nice problem at least :-)

  19. It isn't a problem unless you don't love it... then it is just stuff that's in the way. But your pic show you love it all. Wish mine was so pretty and neat :)

  20. If you are still looking for ways to clean up, here is what I do; for any special occasion I need to give a gift, to a school, charity, or a crafty friend, I pick a topic and make a basket with a few items (from my stash) wrap it up nice and pretty and give it away. I figure if I haven't used it is 1-2 years I probably am not going to use it. I love shopping for new crafty ideas but don't always have the chance to fish the project either.


I love seeing your lovely faces & reading your sweet comments. Thanks for taking the time to visit me : ) * I do my best to respond by e-mail, if I miss you please forgive me. peace & love * Carrie