

:: sedums & blackberry jam

I'm loving my Autumn Joy Sedums right now.
They are hitting their full growth cycle, 
and mine are even starting to bloom.
I see them everywhere, and I'm so attracted to them.
It's so funny how my taste in plants changes over time,
I used to not really like them that much, but now I think they are perfect.

I love their structure, and the color of the foliage, 
and those bloom heads... simply gorgeous don't you think.

So as you can see I spent the morning in my gardens,
I've been up since 5:30am, and it was lovely to be in the gardens at sunrise.
First I took Miss Libby Lu for a long walk, then I took little Mister Hamilton,
then it was back inside to grab my camera and catch the beauty of my gardens.

When I was done with all of the weeding & watering,
I came inside to enjoy my morning coffee from my new coffee bar : ).
I also spoiled myself with an indulgent treat for breakfast this morning.

Homemade Blackberry Jam


Look at that gorgeous color,
notice anything else?

Yep, it's pretty near empty....

Oh but it was so delicious.

Good to the very last bite,
but now I'm sad that it's all gone.
See what a little piggy I am.

Hope you are having a beautiful morning too.
Remember to take time to smell the flowers.

*peace, love & hugs*


  1. I love blackberry jam!! Delish..beautiful pics as always!

  2. That does look delish! Ok, it's 10:36 pm here and you are making me hungry. You gave me an idea for a gift I need to take to my Mom.
    Ps. I had to install Firefox to make comments. Darn computer!! Glad I was able to do so!
    Missed you Wren:)

  3. Did you know that you can prune your sedums back a little, so that they actually bloom IN the fall? They say to do it before July 4...I did mine just a couple days ago. Just cut off 1/4 of the stem and they will rebloom into the fall!


I love seeing your lovely faces & reading your sweet comments. Thanks for taking the time to visit me : ) * I do my best to respond by e-mail, if I miss you please forgive me. peace & love * Carrie