

:: a library table & etagere

Hello sweet friends. I've been missing for several days now, I've been very busy working.
Well, I always work...but right now I'm actually working for someone else for a change.

Now that everyone's back in school, and our schedules are becoming routine I am
back at work decorating my friends lots of shopping has been on the agenda this week.
Don't get me wrong, I love shopping....but do you ever have those days when you find n..o..t..h..i..n..g.
Very frustrating, especially when you are trying to get a job done...
of course I know that soon I will hit the mother load,
that's just how it seems to go....for me anyway.

Actually today has been a very productive day, and I feel like I'm making some headway. Yay.
I've been hanging curtains & art, and of course more shopping.
I can't wait to be able to share some pictures of her spaces with you.

For today though, you have to settle for a shot of my house.
Above is the view into my living room from the foyer.
Sorry the shots not so clear, I have a really hard time photographing my spaces.

Anyhoo, this is my library table in the foreground. 
I love library tables....and books....oh my, I can never get enough.
Books make me feel happy and surrounded by coziness,
I use them as decoration all over my house.
Here I have books & magazines all stacked on this round table.

I love this table, it serves multiple purposes....right now it's a library table.
During holidays it's set for more dining as it is directly adjacent to the dining room.
The best part of all though is that it's Libby's house...her ugly wire kennel fits perfectly below.
This makes me very happy because I hate when things feel out of place & that thing is definitely that.

I splurged a little while back and purchased the burlap fringed tablecloth from Ballard.
That's definitely the most expensive tablecloth I've ever owned....but soooo worth it I love it.
I loved it for a very long time before I finally took the plunge and committed to it.
The table underneath is just a pop up I purchased from an office supply store online.
The tables at Ballard were a little too expensive for me, and this one was just right...
now I just need to invest in the glass top to finish it off.

The etagere on the wall came from a favorite furniture store that has since gone out of business : (.
I really like the details on this piece, and the fact that I have someplace to display things.
The artwork flanking either side is my own photography from a trip to London, England...
it doesn't get any less expensive than straight from my printer into ready made frames.
Below the artwork is an old pair of violin back chairs found at Goodwill for like eight bucks,
someday I'll get around to painting them and recovering them but I'm ok with them now,
they are perfect for pulling up as occasional seating when we have larger groups.

Well, there you have it another little snapshot of my home.
Sorry for all of the babble, you may not even care about my awesome tablecloth ; ).
I really do love it, and that's the most important thing of all about must love them.

Hope you all are having a wonderful week so far.

Now I have to go and spend some time with my awesome 12 year old...

Take Care
{peace, love & hugs}


  1. l-o-v-e this glimpse into your livingroom. especially the tall secretary/chest piece. love the lines. I know it has to be a favorite of yours. And I've always wanted a ballards tablecloth like that - maybe I'll splurge, too! donna

  2. I just found your adorable blog, and I love it! The coffee bar idea is genius! I plan on copying that idea :] Thanks for sharing!

    I'd love for you to stop by my blog sometime!
    Take care.

  3. Beautiful! Love the etegere and I had never heard of a library table before...what a fabulous idea! So does your dog sleep under the table at night, or do you just pull the whole kennel out when she uses it?? I'd love a way to hide my two dog kennels that's pretty during the day!


I love seeing your lovely faces & reading your sweet comments. Thanks for taking the time to visit me : ) * I do my best to respond by e-mail, if I miss you please forgive me. peace & love * Carrie