

:: newspaper logs

Happy Friday Everyone...
I can't believe the weekend is already here...
but I'm oh so glad.

It's another rainy & gloomy day here today,
I guess I should start getting used to is that time of year after all.
The rain just makes it a perfect day to catch up on chores, and just laze around a little.
I've been spending this morning searching the web for some interesting things,
and I'm excited to share them with you very soon.

Today though I thought I would share with you what I do with my newspapers.
Formerly my newspapers {which we receive every day for Papa Wren},
would accumulate in a chair in our kitchen until recycling day rolled around.

I became very tired of looking at this messy stack of newspapers all week,
and decided to come up with a solution for this ever growing stack of paper.
Now mind you, I didn't cancel the paper on Papa {which would be ideal}
Instead I decided on a different way to organize them and reuse them.

I decided to start rolling them up & tying them with twine to make newspaper logs.
This creates a neater look for the papers while they are in a holding pattern,
 and I actually spare them from recycling by sharing them with my parents 
who will be using them to start their wood burning stove very soon.
I also keep a few for myself for starting fires in our fire pit outdoors.

I found a basket I had sitting around and decided to use this to coral the paper logs.
I keep the twine and a little pair of scissors inside the basket, and each day
when Papa leaves for work, I roll up the paper, tie it with a piece of twine and add it to the rest.
No more pile of papers sliding out of the chair, and I actually don't mind looking at this.
As simple as it is, I think it looks kinda cool...I guess I could also hide it away,
but somehow this has become the newspaper chair...isn't it funny how those things happen.
If I ever do get tired of it I can simply move it into the pantry or out into the garage...easy peasy.

So, what do you think?
Is it still an eyesore?
Would you hide it or try it?

Hope you have a wonderful DRY weekend ; )

{peace, love & hugs}

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  1. I think that's a cute & clever idea! Neat basket too...

  2. Like it!!! It used to take me soo much paper to start a fire..this would help! Loving the basket too.

  3. you write so nice! Cool blog btw...Keep doing the good work and I will surely be back ;)


I love seeing your lovely faces & reading your sweet comments. Thanks for taking the time to visit me : ) * I do my best to respond by e-mail, if I miss you please forgive me. peace & love * Carrie