

:: spring blossoms

Hello everyone, Happy Spring!

March 20 marked the first day of Spring and my Anniversary, so there has been lots to celebrate as of late. In lieu of blogging, I've been taking full advantage of the beautiful warm days we've been having. Spring has definitely Sprung in my neck of the woods.

I've already been to the Farmer's Market several times where I've purchased new plants for the front porch, and a few new herbs. I've also transplanted some of my herb starts into my tiered herb garden, trimmed bushes, mowed the lawn, weeded beds, cut back grasses....and the list goes on and on. So goes Spring, there's just so much to get done outside these days. I'm not complaining though...I'm loving every minute of it.  
I   L O V E   S P R I N G !

The photo above is of our Autumnalis Cherry, and it is just beginning to bloom. The Autumnalis is great because it blooms in the spring & the fall, so double the enjoyment from this one. Our Yoshino Cherry has been in full bloom for nearly a week, and is starting to loose it's blooms in favor of leaves. I just love the showers of blossoms that rain down with the spring breezes. 

Our Red Bud tree is also in full bloom & buzzing with bees...I had to be very careful when snapping this photo not to get in their way. I just couldn't quite capture the true beauty of it's lovely magenta blooms.

So there you have it, if you don't hear from me for a while, you know where I'll be...

 T H E   G A R D E N

{peace, love & hugs}


  1. Absolutely gorgeous! Spring has sprung here as well and I'm so excited despite all of our allergies! I can handle the sneezes and itchy eyes as long as I can smell and see all that glory!


  2. Can I just give a big "amen!" and leave it at that? Oh probably not, because I have a big mouth and have to say something ... but I really LOVE what you've written.

  3. Beautiful Photos Carrie!
    Have a wonderful Easter with your Family!
    xxx Liz

  4. I so wish we could grow things like this in Texas- the heat would melt their lovely blooms! Enjoy the garden : o )

  5. I dropped by your blog after reading your article in the new Artful Blogging (I have an advance copy). I enjoyed your article so much and particularly appreciate the partial post you shared on depression. Thank you! I will be coming back to visit often.

    Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage


I love seeing your lovely faces & reading your sweet comments. Thanks for taking the time to visit me : ) * I do my best to respond by e-mail, if I miss you please forgive me. peace & love * Carrie