

:: help me to know

You gift me with all the good gifts that make me the person you created me to be. Help me to know and find your will and to trust that you will help me to understand the path you call me to journey in life. Where there is doubt give me courage. Give me a heart open to your quiet voice so I can hear your call to me. Help me to know your faithfulness and help me to be faithful to that which you call to me. Amen.

Happy Weekend

{peace, love & hugs}


  1. And I second that prayer by joining with you, asking this for you from The Lord. Amen and Amen.



  2. Just read article in patio gardens. Had to check out your blogspot. I have never gardened before but would love to start. I however live in Arizona and scared to attract scorpions, is that being silly? I stay at home too and currently homeschool ... So I think starting a hobby would be nice for me and also something kids can enjoy or add to their schooling...

    1. Arizona... I would be afraid of scorpions too. I think you should give it a try though, do gardens really attract them? It would be great for you and for your's really simple trust me if it were too difficult I couldn't pull it off. Definitely lots to learn from glad you found me from patio gardens. Welcome :)

  3. Amen. :)
    Such a heartfelt beautiful prayer.
    Have a wonderful week Carrie!
    Gorgeous bloom!
    All my heart,
    Deborah xo

  4. Evening Carrie, Your home is so beautiful...I just read where you are moving. I just sold my farmhouse on 6 acres 2 months ago....but I know it was time to go. Blessings to you and your family for the future~~~Roxie

  5. Missing your posts. Hope you are getting settled in your new home. We moved 13 months ago from the home our kids grew up in. I know how hard it is even when it's what you want or need to do.


I love seeing your lovely faces & reading your sweet comments. Thanks for taking the time to visit me : ) * I do my best to respond by e-mail, if I miss you please forgive me. peace & love * Carrie