
{ pantry overhaul }

Welcome to my Pantry...

Now, this is how I like my pantry to look, under control and well organized.

Every so often though I have to give it an overhaul, because as you probably well know, 

things never seem to make it back where they belong, especially with children in and out.

We did pretty good the last time I organized, so we'll see how long it lasts this time.

Why Oh Why, can't it just stay looking like this forever?

I keep all the pretties on the right side of the pantry in front of the door,

so this is what you see when the door is left open...which is most of the time.

I purchased the clear containers from the dollar store after I moved in 6 years ago.

They have served us well, but eventually I would like to switch them to glass when the kids are a little 

older and can manage them easier { plastics make me a little nervous these days }.

I purchased each of the larger folio baskets at Target yesterday for $14.99 each.

This was very much a splurge, but I was really sick of my pantry and ready to get it back under control.

The baskets up top are also past purchases from target, and are for entertaining, the large round one is

for chips, salsa or guacamole { a must at our house },  the top rectangular basket holds rolled up

cloth napkins, and the basket below is divided to hold silverware, or plastics.

This is the business side of the pantry where I keep all the not so pretties.

The very top shelf is where I keep my serving and entertaining bits.

The shelf on the left below I have all of my baking goods and spices.

Below that are all of the canned goods from the grocers, and the next 

shelf down holds my larger boxed items, in the small baskets below

I store things like smaller packets of hot cocoa, microwave popcorn,

instant oatmeal, and ramen noodles { the kids & I love them }.

On the floor I have my large stockpot, a box of all occasion cards,

an old make-up box holds all of my cake decorating supplies,

then I have my large containers of vinegars, for cooking and cleaning.

The trash bin is for larger recycling items that won't fit in my other bin.

Then of course no pantry would be complete without the baggie organizer.

I try to always take my own bags to the market, but I'm pretty much the only one who

does, and I'm not perfect so we always end up with a collection of plastic bags.

So, what do you think?

I wish I had taken a before shot, but I had everything out on the counters before I even thought about it.

Well that's one thing off my list with what feels like hundreds more to go.

School will be starting soon, so you'll see many more projects in the future.

Boo Hoo, this means vacation is truly over.

* peace, love & hugs *


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{ getting over it ... ahhhh }

swimsuit . . . check

beach towel . . . check

rocking chair . . . check

beautiful ocean view . . . check, check, and check...


:: peace, love and hugs ::


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{ windowsill }

Am I weird because I have a problem editing and changing my photos.

For some reason I feel that if I change them from what they were, 

I am somehow being dishonest, painting things differently than they really are.

Isn't that just the silliest thing? 

I see so many beautifully enhanced images out there that I love.

I know they've been altered, and I don't love them any less, and often more.

I really have to get over this, because I want my images to look amazing.

I want my photos to have feelings and emotions, and be soft & pretty.

How do you feel about this subject?

Does it bother you?

:: peace & love ::

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{ chasing butterflies }

Happy Tuesday!

The sun is shining today, woo hoo.

I was up early for a change 7:30am to be exact.

{ this summer schedule is kicking my butt, with it's late nights and late mornings }.

I have {most} of todays to do's done, and I'm getting ready to share with you what I did yesterday,


first I clean the kitchen { this makes me feel good about myself }

secondly I tackle the keeping room desk  { another accomplishment }

in between I take out the dogs { a constant chore with three pooches }

But wait... 

While I'm outside I see this...

my lovely homestead verbena are back in bloom,  { this makes me very happy }

then I see this...

a perfectly beautiful butterfly

so I run back inside grab my camera and the chase is on.

How perfect is this handsome fellow { or gal } ?

 then there was this lovely pale lady,

and this cute and fuzzy guy....

and finally this busy, busy boy.

I'm snapping away by now, and I can't stop...

so then there's this...

my monkey grass { liriope } is in bloom as well, I just adore it's beautiful lavender spires.

it's so lovely in front of my { natchez } crepe myrtle trunks.

More snaps, from around the house.... my birdhouses on my front porch,

and a not so happy to be disturbed sleeping kitty....there she is....

and there she's not.

So there you have it, a little cleaning,

and some camera therapy,

that's what it takes to get me over 


I have more to share from my Monday adventures in the days to come.

Right now though, it's back to laundry duty... bah.

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{ monday blahs }

So, it's Monday again already, and it's another overcast and dreary day here.

I was happy for the break from the sunshine over the weekend, 

because it forced me to slow down sit back and relax.

I watched a little television {which I rarely do},

and I picked up my long neglected knitting needles.

Today though, I just feel blah.

I want my sunshine back.

Sunshine makes me smile,

makes me happy.

Overcast and dreary not so much.

It doesn't help that I have a list of cleaning a mile long,

and loads of laundry two miles high on my horizon.

Wah, wah, what a baby I am.

Wish I had something beautiful and fun to share,

but this is where the honesty part of my header comes in.


What do you do to fight the blahs?

Hoping it's sunny wherever you are,

and you are having a wonderful Monday.

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