

:: getting there

It's out, It's out. The first decoration of the Christmas season to be out in my home.  Not because I've had a chance to get up in the attic and pull everything down yet, but because somehow it never made it up after last Christmas and has been hiding out in my pantry ever since. It was so easy to pull this little guy out, now I've got to get myself in gear to bring out all of his buddies....and that's a job I'm not quite ready for.

I'm feeling like quite the slacker seeing all the lovely pictures of your beautiful holiday decorations and Christmas trees. My goal is to start pulling things out tomorrow, to get ready for the tree on Saturday. I'm trying really hard not to get frustrated with the fact that I'm not where I wanted to be in my decorating process {I still have pumpkins on my front porch for goodness sakes}. I really wanted to have it done last weekend, but after hosting Thanksgiving I just didn't feel ready.  Not to mention we had birthday parties and sleepovers last weekend and we just couldn't get everyone in the same place long enough to go pick out our tree.

Is anyone out there like me?  Are you struggling to find time to get it done? Please, please tell me I am not alone. Believe it or not, one year I had my house decorated for Christmas at Thanksgiving, and everyone actually got to see all the hard work I put into decorating my home. The next year, I went super simple on the decorations....this year I'm not sure what direction I'm going....I need a plan.

This year I think I'm going to try to hide things in the rooms where they belong after the holidays just like this little guy...then decorating for the holidays will be a to find the space to do it.

Tomorrow the countdown begins.....

:: peace :: love :: hugs ::



  1. Don't be so hard on yourself Carrie. There's no time limit on when you have to have your decorations up. The key is to put out what you love and just enjoy doing it.


  2. I'm with you. I had 37 for Thanksgiving which was tons of fun. But, our 23-year tradition to begin putting up the trees (6) the day after when we get the live tree for the family room was delayed. This year I just needed more time to regroup, pack all the harvest decorations and unpack all the Christmas decorations so we waited until Sat. I'm slowly catching up by getting up in the wee hours before work and the morning school routine. It's frankly very peaceful when no one else is scurrying around and I can enjoy a couple cups of coffee uninterrupted while decorating to my heart's content. I'm sure I won't make some of the early linky parties even though I'm subscribing to the "less is more" philosophy this year. Each year I take pics before I pack away so I can remember what I put where, but this year, I'm being more creative. Hope to do a post soon. Good luck and take time to enjoy the season. Going slow, reflecting on, and holding in your hands the mementos that represent your history is rewarding too.

  3. I love your little vintage Advent calendar Carrie with the tiny wreath on the 24th :-) adorable!! Happy decorating ♥

  4. We don't have the tree yet either...we will get it this weekend. I started decorating last weekend, only because we didn't have family in from out of state like we usually do. Plus, we had major weather with nothing to do, I got some of it done.
    So, now we need to get the tree, get the picture ready for x-mas cards, put lights up outside...sigh!
    I love your advent calendar...can't wait to see what else you do...definitely seems like we have similar taste.

  5. Its a start Carrie..
    and a wonderful on it is!
    That little advent house is so cute!!
    You've been so busy....but it'll all come together.
    Cant wait to see your holiday decorating...
    have a great week!

    Deborah xoxo

  6. You a slacker, I don't think so!! I don't have anything done. I just started Xmas shopping over the weekend. So, you have nothing to worry about. Really!! Cute house.
    Hugs, Liz

  7. I think the key is to not get stressed and do what you can. Just make sure to enjoy the process and the days leading up to Christmas day :) And I just adore your vintage advent calendar!

  8. thanks for a great reminder! I will be feverishly sorting through my storage unit tomorrow morning - the handblown ornaments that go in mine have surfaced but where o where is their home? seems too big to miss but somehow I have. I'm still knee deep in Christmas totes and stuff but I gave up trying to meet any deadline years ago - too much stress. Relax and enjoy your ornaments and decor and less stress of what still needs done!

  9. Goodness knows I am feeling the same way - I was way behind my sis, who began decking her halls before the last minutes of Halloween had even ticked away.

    Now, with mere days to go, our house is nearly complete in Holiday finery. Why do I take issue with getting a late start? Because, I feel with all of the hard work required to decorate - I should be able to enjoy it for as long as possible. (Christmas tree still up in April? That wasn't ME!) Things are just about perfect...except for the stockings. I absolutely do not like them. At all. No time to worry about it now.

    Keep Warm and Cozy!


I love seeing your lovely faces & reading your sweet comments. Thanks for taking the time to visit me : ) * I do my best to respond by e-mail, if I miss you please forgive me. peace & love * Carrie