

:: day one

So after reading all of your sweet comments yesterday, I think I was being a little hard on myself.  After all, there is no set time frame for when these things are to be done, just so long as it's done in time for good old Saint Nick. Right.

After finishing up a few custom fox hats for a client yesterday I decided it was time to work on my Christmas gift tags. I've already gotten most of my shopping done for Papa, and I really need to get his gifts wrapped up before he finds them accidentally on purpose (just kidding, he wouldn't do that).

Over the weekend I did some crafty shopping with all of the great coupons available. I purchased my very first big shape punch a lovely 3" scalloped square. I got it for half price, and last night I used it for the first time....I love it.


I started by looking around online for some digital scrapbooking paper for the background of my tags. I found the loveliest papers at Design House Digital I then played around with the papers, fonts, and placement until I came up with some super simple tags...I'm very happy with the way they turned out.

I also found my wrapping paper at Target over the weekend.  I wanted the look of kraft paper without the thickness, and this paper is just perfect. 

One Christmas I wrapped all of my gifts with hand painted kraft paper, double stick tape, and ribbons...the packages were lovely, but none of my nieces and nephews could tear them open. That was many years ago, and they are all teenagers now, but I wouldn't live it down if I did it again (chuckle).

With some of my left over paper from wrapping this morning I decided to embellish some of my wonderful balsam fir candles from Target....I love the way these candles smell, and at 2 for $7.00, I can burn as many as I want. I think they turned out really cute, and it was oh so simple. 

I've decided that my theme for this season is Simple & Homespun, this is perfect for me and my family. I just love bringing in nature and using it in my decorating.

Whew, it feels so good to have some gift wrapping under my belt, and ready to go under the tree. 

Okay, so I have day 1 of a Crafty Christmas covered { handmade gift tags }
Come back tomorrow to see what I come up with next for Christmas Decorating.

:: peace :: love :: hugs ::


  1. love the brown paper packages tied up with...darling ribbons. that three inch scallop punch looks like the perfect addition to holiday wrapping. i'll have to look for one.

    seriously, some beautiful pics with lovely ideas. i'm all about simple and classic this year, too.


  2. I love the wrap and tags. Everything is so cute!!

    I managed to buy some wrap yesterday but I haven't figured out what to do with it yet...or tags....


  3. Your wrapping is beautiful! Simple and homespun is my plan too :) The candles look and sound great. We are going over the border during the holidays and to Target (i'm so excited!) and I will look for these candles now.

  4. It looks great, i love the simple but beautiful giftwrappingm here is it not a big issue, but i find it a pity, because i love that people make a effort, greetings and good luck.

  5. Your tags are darling and I love the brown paper. The smell of a candle burning is always so welcoming. I need to get with it!

  6. what a sweet blog you have... happy to find you and follow along! Thanks for visiting Sweet as June. ;)


I love seeing your lovely faces & reading your sweet comments. Thanks for taking the time to visit me : ) * I do my best to respond by e-mail, if I miss you please forgive me. peace & love * Carrie