

:: a mossy gift

{do you see the cute little sprout popping up?}

Lately, I've been obsessed with moss terrariums, and I recently did a post on them here. I think their simplicity is absolutely beautiful, they make me dream of running on beautiful hills of lush green grass. Lucky for me I have a super sweet sister who reads along and knows exactly what I like. While working and staying here with me here in my town, she found a plethora of this beautiful moss at her job site, and what did she do with it? Well first she made me a sweet little gift with it to thank me for having her stay with me....then she brought me back a whole bag full of this beautiful stuff. Isn't her little moss gift the sweetest? I loved having my sister here with me for an entire month, she's back home now and I really miss her. 

Yesterday I pulled everything out and began working on a project that I've had on my mind for a while now. For me these little terrariums will bring in a much needed jolt of life and color for the dull winter months to come. This project was so simple, all I needed was some soil, rocks, and of course lots of lovely moss, I also added a few succulents that I had on hand.  I'm going to be on the lookout for some small mushrooms, little houses, or woodland creatures to add for some extra color and fun.

Here's the first one I completed using an old silver bowl and cheese dome {which I have tons of}. So, What do you think?

This next one.... I used a small apothecary jar for.  This one was a little more difficult because of it's small size....lucky for me I have kid sized hands.

Lastly I used my jumbo apothecary jar. While adding the succulent to this one the top broke off allowing me to add it to the smaller jar { I hope it will take root and live...fingers crossed }.

Here they are in their home on my library table.  They're perfect, I love the color they add. Library tables are another obsession of mine....Love them.

So there you have it, a super simple, inexpensive and natural gift idea for the holidays.  Maybe you have someone on your list like me who would love to receive one of these beauties. The only tricky part may be finding the moss, otherwise you can use just about any found container { thrift stores are an excellent resource }.

:: peace :: love :: hugs ::



  1. Great color and texture! Love the idea.

  2. You did a great job! Your jars are so pretty.


  3. Great idea! I Love them too and think I will make a few for myself.~Cheers Kim

  4. it urns out great love the idea!

    it looks like spring time and i'am loving it!


  5. What a great idea and original :) I love it!

  6. Great idea Carrie,
    and you've arranged them so beautifully.
    I have a big glass stand which I've wanted to make into a terrarium for quite awhile...perhaps I'll have to try my hand a it..
    thanks for the push I needed..Ill show you after I do mine :)

    Deborah xo

  7. Hey Carrie,

    Me again. I laughed about us sharing the same brain...if only we could join forces.

    Thanks for your sweet comments!

  8. Ashlyn, we would have to much fun together if we did. ; )

  9. Deborah, your glass stand sounds fantastic, I can't wait to see how it turns out. Hugs-Carrie

  10. Love your creations. Simple and easy. I love moss! Ty for sharing. Hugs, Liz

  11. It's beautiful and organic and now I totally want one too!

  12. I love moss, who would have ever thought it could be so whimsical and elegant!

  13. We were at Mount Baker this summer for a wedding. I yelled stop the car and we pulled over to the most amazing moss covered forest. I filled my car....I love it!

  14. Krys, how perfectly exciting. I can only imagine how beautiful it must have been.

  15. ohhhh...i looove these!

    so simple and so lovely!

    i would have a ball building these all afternoon at yours!

    melissa xx

  16. Maybe your sister could come spend some time with me? She is obviously very thoughtful! I love the terrariums. Thanks for the idea.
    Have a wonderful Christmas, Carrie.

  17. Dear Carrie,
    A long time I saw such a beautiful, elegant and interesting blog.
    Beautiful pictures and patterns. With great pleasure I'll be your new follower and reader.
    Best regards from the Croatia, Zondra Art

  18. Hey... this is very good indeed!!


I love seeing your lovely faces & reading your sweet comments. Thanks for taking the time to visit me : ) * I do my best to respond by e-mail, if I miss you please forgive me. peace & love * Carrie