

:: O tannenbaum

Here she is, our lovely little tree. Simple and beautiful. I'm especially pleased with how well my new galvanized tub works as a tree stand this year. I don't miss the tree skirt at all, plus I know my wood floors are well protected.

It took me a while to get a good photo of her, and I love that when I snapped this one Patches our cat was perched there on the chair looking at me.  Yes, that's a door frame behind our tree, I wish we had gone a little bigger with our tree so you couldn't see it.  I think Papa might kill me if I ask him to bring in a 10ft tree next year. We had a time getting this 8 footer into a stand and then into my tub. It was a scene right out of "A Christmas Story " teenage daughter couldn't stop laughing at us.

When we finally got her in place, we had to let her drip dry on a bed of towels because she was covered in snow. Needless to say,  it took us a few days to get her to this pretty place.

Now for more trees....

This time, the outdoor variety....

Here they are, all of my beautiful new trees...Cryptomeria, Arbor Vitae, Cherry Laurel, Magnolia, and my favorite Limelight Hydrangeas on each end of the bed.

Hope you all are having a wonderful Saturday. I sure am, because I'm doing absolutely nothing and my brain finally has a chance to rest.  

:: peace :: love :: hugs ::


  1. Beautiful Christmas tree, I lake it, very elegant!
    Kisses and nice weekend.

  2. Oh Carrie that is the most beautiful Christmas tree! It captures every essence of the season :) xxx

  3. What a tree!!! Love the way you've decorated it Carrie..gorgeous!!!
    Love that it in that pretty!!!!

    Deborah xoxo

  4. Your tree is beautiful!!! I love the galvanize tub!! Your tree has such character! :) :) :)
    Enjoy your weekend!!

  5. Very vintage looking awesome! I don't even have mine up yet.~Cheers Kim

  6. oh and Carrie, your header is just beautiful, I forgot to tell you that... the colours, the setting, I love it!

    the inside and outside trees in this post are beautiful as well, haha


I love seeing your lovely faces & reading your sweet comments. Thanks for taking the time to visit me : ) * I do my best to respond by e-mail, if I miss you please forgive me. peace & love * Carrie