

:: a doe, a deer

A doe a deer, a female deer....This is my little Miss "P" donning her sweet little reindeer face for her performance in "A Christmas Wizard of Oz". I had a lot of fun doing her makeup, and we found this great tutorial on you tube HERE, it was a great help, and the girl who shares it is the cutest herself..  Doesn't she look like the sweetest little Doe?

Here she is before the show with her fellow reindeer, aren't they all so darned cute. This was a great performance by all of the kids at her elementary school, and the sets were amazing. The playbill wasn't so bad either, since yours truly designed it {aren't I awful...getting my little plug in for my contribution}.

Here they are during the performance...I must add that these are evil reindeer hence the forlorn look. In this adaptation, the "Evil Reindeer" are the equivalent of the flying monkeys of the original. 

Here they are taking their bows. I love the excited look on Miss "P"s face, I would have to say that she quite enjoyed all the applause. She's definitely my little ham. I can't say enough about how well this play was put together, every year they amaze me with their great sets and costumes.

I hope you all have had a wonderful weekend. I have one more performance to see tonight, and in this one our own sweet Papa will be singing. He's the one that gives my little ones the courage to go on stage...he's where they get their haminess so to speak. It certainly doesn't come from me, I'm more of the behind the scenes gal. I'm so proud of them both. I'm sure I'll shed a few tears this evening at Papa's performance at the Nativity...he's warned me that it's very moving.

For now though, I'm off to watch some football and knit up some Christmas gifts.

:: peace :: love :: hugs ::


  1. Oh my!! She is so cute. Your tree is amazing! I better get my a.. Moving. So, behind. xxx Liz

  2. you did a fabulous job on the makeup! those are the cutest rendeer i have ever seen!

  3. The play looks so cute! I love how you did her make-up. It's just perfect! Way to go!

  4. Shes so pretty and you did a fantastic job on her make-up!!!
    That play looks like alot of fun...
    Enjoy the performance tonight and if your Papas in it..make sure you have your kleenex!

    Deborah xoxo

  5. Beautiful make-up and little Miss "P"!!!

  6. Haha! We did that when I was in about 5th or 6th grade. I love the painted faces, much better than my dorky lopsided antlers.

  7. you did an a m a z i n g job on your daughter's make-up. she looks like a dear little deer. plus, love the program you did. very clean and polished.

    i hope you're having a wonderful week and that it's not to busy for you.

  8. I love these pictures! The makeup looks sooooo good. Looks like a great production.

  9. That's a pretty amazing make-up job Carrie, she looks great!


  10. she is so cute!!... lovely pictures!!!
    The make-up is fabulous too!

  11. Your daughter is beautiful! And the make-up is amazing! I'm sure you must have been very proud of your little one :)


I love seeing your lovely faces & reading your sweet comments. Thanks for taking the time to visit me : ) * I do my best to respond by e-mail, if I miss you please forgive me. peace & love * Carrie