

:: vintage putz houses

Hello there my sweets. Hope you are all doing well. I've been to0 busy once again to get here, and today I have a sick child at home...don't you hate it when someone is sick and you can do nothing to help them. My sweet Miss "P" has a little stomach bug, and I can't stand to see her feel so bad. She's resting now on the sofa watching some of her shows, so I thought I would slip away to share some of my Christmas crushes with you.

I adore these vintage Putz houses, and would love to have a collection of my own. Maybe after Christmas I can start my collection for next year, because right now all of my extra cash is going for gifts, and I don't mean gifts for me {this is very hard}.

Aren't they just the sweetest thing. I'm especially fond of the turquoise and red ones, I just love that color combination. Of course I would be pleased as punch with any of them.

I could live like a queen in this sweet Christmas castle with it's lovely white bottle brush trees. That's another crush for another day...bottle brush trees.

You can find the lovelies pictured above at these shops Vintage Junk In My Trunk, bubblepipe vintage, nina in ruffles, and efinegifts.  All of these etsy shops have lovely vintage Christmas decorations, you should check them out for yourselves.

For now, I'm off to snuggle my baby girl who needs some lovin' from her Mama.

:: peace :: love :: hugs ::


  1. I remember my mom and grandma always having these when i was little, and i remember the church we had having the windows punched out of it which makes me really sad now since i had no idea what they were before.
    I wonder if my mom even still has them, id love to have them now!

  2. Love these! Thanks for sharing.

  3. I am calling my mom right now to see if she kept these. I have been wanting to get to local antique shop to get some. I think he charges ten dollars? Sounds like a lot and hopefully that is for 2 or more.
    Maybe I could
    print your pictures out and paste on my tree. LOL


I love seeing your lovely faces & reading your sweet comments. Thanks for taking the time to visit me : ) * I do my best to respond by e-mail, if I miss you please forgive me. peace & love * Carrie