Well, this is my latest project. Remember the craft show I spoke of in my last post, well... I made up these little lovelies to act as hat displays for my little knit hats. I actually think they are really pretty all on their own, and right now that's how they look sitting on my shelves in my studio.
In theory, this is how they are supposed to work. So I hurried and rushed to get these little guys made up to take with me to the craft show Saturday, and guess what... I never even made it. I just didn't feel ready. A girl has to be up for these kinds of things, and with everything else I had going on I just couldn't take the time to go.
Now, all of this crafting has me thinking up all kinds of ways I can use these little decoupaged balls. First of all, I'm going to be making some Christmas ornaments just like them for my tree {if not this year, then next.} Secondly, I kinda like them as a topiary of sorts, and I may flip the pots and do a double version as a unique accessory. I can actually see a pair on my mantle in my keeping room after the holidays.

You see, the ball is supposed to be the head, and well...the pot is a simulation of a neck. I searched online for mannequin heads and never found anything I liked, so this is what I came up with. That said, it's probably cheaper to buy one of those styrofoam heads for like 3 bucks on ebay, but I couldn't do it....I wanted something different. Do you know how expensive styrofoam balls are these days? It's kinda ridiculous, a large 7" ball is something like $12, and in my book that's kinda pricey for a craft object, luckily I got mine while AC Moore was running a sale on them for half price. Still...add in pots, spray paint, and a dowel rod and it added up pretty quickly. Three dollar heads might have looked good with this treatment. That wouldn't work for me though because I needed different sizes. Most of my hats are for babies & children, and a child sized mannequin head is not easy to find.

Don't you think it's kind of cute on it's little stand, I think I could even do this with them if I dressed up the base piece with some routing and paint, the possibilities are endless. I'm just in love with the papers I used, I think they just look so interesting glued on all willie nillie. Gotta love the
Graphics Fairy, she is so amazing for sharing all of her amazing ephemera. I simply printed off the papers that appealed to me, took a ruler and tore off half inch to one inch strips, I then proceeded to glue them on with a mixture of good old elmer's glue and a little water. My little secret is that I left on the plastic covering that came on the ball, this gave me a smoother surface to glue to, not sure how it would work if you were gluing straight onto the styrofoam...I'm guessing not as well.
So, are you ready for Christmas?
Well, I really thought I had it all under control, but the closer it gets the less I feel so. It seems like I'll never be done, there is always one more gift to buy. I'm feeling a little scroogy these days. I love giving gifts, but I'm not thrilled about having to do Christmas shopping this late in the game. I would much rather be sitting around drinking cider, listening to Christmas music, and making little crafts.
What's worse, I feel like I'm completely caught up in the exact thing Christmas is not about...commercialism.
Okay, so maybe I'm not a Scrooge...
I'm more like Charlie Brown.
:: peace, love & hugs ::
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