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  1. THAT is a beautiful picture! And, full of Spring-like hope! :)

  2. Gorgeous photo Carrie as always! You are so talented:) Hope you get to enjoy some of that Spring loveliness this weekend ~ Tina xx

  3. Such a pretty pretty picture, Carrie. Sweet words too. Spring is just around the corner.... have a wonderful weekend! xo

  4. Such a gorgeous macro shot Carrie!
    Have a great weekend ♥

  5. That is a vision of HOPE...Beautiful.

  6. Beautiful photo. Thanks for the response on your kitchen table & chairs. Wish I could find something similar...everything I'm finding is too modern :(

  7. Gorgeous photo!!! I think the whole moving the clock thing, has really messed me up. I have been so tired you would think I was preggo, which I am not but that is how tired I am and I am blaming it on the time change...ya know cause it can't be I watch tv too late in the night! :) hope you are well sweet girl! xo

  8. Carrie
    I love this photo. I haven't had time to read blogs lately, so am catching up on your lovely blog.
    Take care,
    p.s. I have missed visiting you!


I love seeing your lovely faces & reading your sweet comments. Thanks for taking the time to visit me : ) * I do my best to respond by e-mail, if I miss you please forgive me. peace & love * Carrie

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