
{ a simple life part 1 }

Be sure to come back tomorrow for more inspiring photos of our day at Nana & Poppy's

* peace & love *

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  1. All I want in the world is to move into a little house in the middle of nowhere near some beautiful mountain town, surrounded by wildlife.

  2. wonderful...and the nest is just beautiful...

  3. Carrie, It looks like a wonderful place to be and to take your children, and even nocer that they built it themselves. I love the new script on your blog and the photo/script montage!

  4. Simple and lovely - what a peaceful life that must be ~
    You captured the beauty of it all perfectly!

  5. Simply beautiful and beautifully simple. What a masterpiece they have helped create!

  6. What a beautiful home they have! Hope your having a wonderful day! xoxo

  7. Hi Carrie, Love your layouts!!! :)

  8. What a wonderful place to visit! I can see why this would be so peaceful and relaxing...lucky to have great parents and grandparents for your children. That truly is a blessing. I am in love with that sweet birdhouse and the precious baby birds...I love that blue egg! :)

    Thanks for sharing...I always enjoy my visits here.

    Hugs to you,

  9. A little round house? How much better can life get?

    I love how much your family loves Nana & Poppy. Probably within the next 5-10 years I will become a Grammy. What is the best thing that your parents did or did not do to become "the greatest parents and grandparents ever"? I really want to know, because I really want to be that to my kids and their kiddos someday.

    Have a wonderful day!

  10. Hello Carrie, Thanks for popping over- much appreciated.. I love the farmhouse-how cool is that, to have such a place to go visit, such natural beauty -i bet you can get some great pics out there-and turn them into black-white..How Pretty would that be.

  11. Carrie, your parents' home and garden are perfect! that is how life should be - simply beautiful! Wishing you a wonderful weekend ~ Tina x


I love seeing your lovely faces & reading your sweet comments. Thanks for taking the time to visit me : ) * I do my best to respond by e-mail, if I miss you please forgive me. peace & love * Carrie

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