I'm inviting you to come for a relaxing stroll through my gardens and special outdoor spaces. Feel free to take a nap in my comfy hammock when we're done, and enjoy the fresh smell of the outdoors while surrounded by the beauty of Nikko Blue hydrangeas, and Sweet woodruff below. I even have a little table and tray for your lemonade in case you get thirsty.
This is the view of my patio and little garden path from above, if you are laying in the hammock, I'm right above you so this will be your view as you relax. Blooming now are my Hydrangea, Dianthus, Balloon flower, and Homestead verbena. If you get hungry you can snack on fresh strawberries just a step away.
In my island bed for your viewing pleasure I've planted Spirea bushes, a Kousa dogwood, Lorapetalum, Lavender, and a bath for the birds or cats when they get thirsty .

More shots from above of my sweet plantings...sedum, strawberries, phlox, liriope, dianthus, hydrangea, verbena, catnip, just to name a few. I love my plants so much, they give me endless joy and relaxation. I hope you've enjoyed this little tour of my gardens....you are welcome anytime, and if you stop by for a visit this is where you can find me as long as the sun is shining.
:: peace & love ::
I've always wanted a cozy hammock with a quilt like yours! I even have two trees that would be perfect!